9. You have to wait for the right moment because opportunity only knocks once.”

Whoever believes that they are meant to be at a specific spot, with a specific person, at a specific time, wearing a specific brand of underwear, etc. for some sort of opportunity to present itself will be too preoccupied looking for that specific scenario to see the constant opportunity that surrounds us.  It has nothing to do with being in the right place at the right time or luck.  Seizing an opportunity has to do with adjusting your way of thinking.  You must learn to see every interaction, every situation, every problem as an opportunity.  Because it is! 

We cannot take advantage of something if we don’t discipline ourselves to recognize an opportunity right in front of our faces.  You should really listen in every conversation you have.  Is the other person having a problem of their own that you have the solution to?  Does the other person have a possible connection to someone who could provide a solution to your own problems?  Does this person stimulate your thinking, helping you to come up with innovative, creative solutions to your problems that you would have otherwise never come up with on your own?  Every conversation we have, every person we meet, provides an opportunity.  Just because the other person doesn’t have the word “opportunity” stamped on their forehead, doesn’t mean they provide no value to you.  To exploit such opportunities, we must ask questions, really listen, and really care about what the person has to say.  You should be enthusiastic to find the opportunity that lies within the conversation you are about to have.  Make the most of every interaction you have throughout the day, the week, the year, every interaction.

Imagine the scenario: A few times a year, your company has a regional meeting.  Each company sends a few representatives of their branch to attend for the day.  This year you were chosen to represent your company.  There are two ways you can view your current situation:

View #1: This sucks.  I have to miss an entire day that I could be getting work done.  I have to car pool with my coworkers, one of which who always smells like greasy bacon.  I have to make awkward conversation until we arrive at the conference.  And oh the conference!  What a waste of my time.  They’ll show presentation after presentation, tells us about our goals, tell us where we need to improve, all the generic information that you forget a week after the news is brought back to the office.  Oh what a waste of my day!


View 2: Wow, my boss wants me to represent our company?  That is quite an honor.  This may be a way to develop a more meaningful relationship with my boss.  He is acknowledging that I can handle more responsibility and that I am reliable to go to this conference and bring back and share all the information I learned.  And car pooling will save me on gas money and give me an opportunity to catch up with my coworkers.  There was that one problem I was having a difficult time dealing with.  Maybe they will have some advice on how to deal with it.  I am excited to meet all the regional managers that will be gathered at the conference.  This is the chance to network with many of the top people in our company.  I’ll be fully prepared to get involved and share my ideas.  I want to give them something to remember.  Who knows, down the road, someone could refer me for a promotion based on what I put into this conference today…

We can choose to either acknowledge the positive or the negative aspects in any situation.  We must discipline ourselves to only think positively and open our minds to seeking out any opportunities that may lie in any situation.  The degree to which you are positive, directly affects the opportunities you will recognize.

A major place to seek opportunities is your problems.  Many people retreat and avoid their problems.  When someone fails to find a solution, they tend to back away from their problems and hope they will magically fix themselves.  First of all, it is unreasonable to think that a problem will solve itself.  Your problem will not be solved until you solve it.  Maybe the solution to the problem lies in an opportunity to come up with an innovative, new technology that will change the world.  Maybe you will patent this new technology.  And maybe once others learn of this technology you will have a company such as Google buy you out.  And maybe Google pays you so much for your patent that you never have to work another day in your life.  Think about it.  Would you ever have come up with that idea on your own if it wasn’t for the problem you were presented with.  Odds are, probably not. 

We create our own opportunities.  The way we see, interpret, and deal with each interaction, situation, and problem determines the opportunity we will open ourselves up to.  Change the way you think, and open yourselves up to endless opportunities.  Make it your goal to have so many opportunities that you can’t possibly take advantage of them all.  It is possible, just change your attitude!  Opportunities are all around you, do yourself a favor and become conscious of every opportunity, and exploit these opportunities until you find success.


It starts from an early age.  We grow up hearing from our parents, “you can’t do that” or “don’t touch that.”  Since birth, we have undergone much brainwashing.  Our minds are constantly subjected to old, outdated ways of thinking.  These lessons are meant to be “for our own good,” but in reality, if we continue to believe this groupthink, we set ourselves up for failure.  Parents repeat what they were told from their parents and so on.   As we grow up, this brainwashing extends and we begin to hear “advice” and “suggestions” from others, such as extended family members, friends, coworkers, etc. 

I refuse to submit to this brainwashing any longer.  It is my hope that you read these misconceptions that are hammered into our brains from an early age and make the conscious decision to think independently. 

Dare to be different.  Have the courage to go against groupthink.  Venture into unknown territories and reap the benefits of opening your mind to accept success:

10. Strive to be average and quit while you’re ahead.

People are playing the game of life like they are sitting at a blackjack table on the Las Vegas strip.  When you go out to the casino, many people follow such rule of thumb: Only bring with you the amount you are willing to lose, no more.  Once you are up, get out, and get out fast.  Expect to lose money.  Well I have terrific news for you: the game of life is not meant to be played as if you are at the casino.  Different, better rules apply.  When you go to a casino, you expect to lose.  You can’t be successful in life if you expect, or even suspect there is a chance you may lose.  Negative thoughts and success do NOT mix!

When a table is hot at the casino, many break even and get out fast, fearful that if they stay too long, they will lose everything.  Not in life.  When pursuing something in life, you can’t stand for breaking ever or being average.  If you desire to be average, you will never be happy. You will work your entire life and die.  That’s what average people do.  They follow this preconceived milestones that are supposed to happen.  They go to college, get a degree, get a job, get married sometime, have children, and work.  And they continue to work until they eventually die.  How appealing does the average life sound to you?

The successful person has one thing in common with the few courageous gamblers in the casino.  SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE GO ALL IN.  Successful people put everything they have into whatever they wish to pursue, whatever gets them closer to obtaining their goals.  Successful people see a winning hand in every situation dealt to them, and they play their hand accordingly, by going all in. 

Successful people refuse to hear the noise of others in pursuit of their dreams.  They refuse to listen to those who are average or only strive for average.  It takes just as much work to earn $40k per year as it does to earn $10m annually.  If we fall into the trap of following the herd and taking the things others tell us at face value without questioning whether it will get us closer to our goals, we will never be anything more than average, and continue to work for our entire lives and eventually die.

This is 10 of 10 in this list of 10 Brainwashing Thoughts We Are Conditioned To Believe.  Throughout the day I will continue this countdown of misconceptions.  Please let me know what you think? Have you been told similar things in your life?  Multiple times throughout your life?  Have you been brainwashed by this type of thinking?  Has it stopped you from living at your full potential and realizing success in your life?  I’d love to hear your opinion on each misconception.  Check back for the other nine misconceptions throughout the day!

Get Inspired

Posted: March 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

“I’m not gonna let up, shut up, or give up! As a matter of fact, I’m just getting warmed up.”

~Les Brown


Grant Cardone & Jarrod Glandt on Young Hustlers airs on YouTube in 1 hour!!!

Topic: Multiple Streams of Income

Don’t miss it! Get inspired!

Keep on Hustling!

Be A Young Hustler, Go Out There And Take Action

It’s a little after 4:30 am and I am up ready kick off my day and ACT.  I woke up, read my personal mission statement and enjoying a quiet breakfast.  It’s a good morning.  Something good is going to happen today, I can feel it…

I’m sure you guys are familiar with many of the following phrases:

“There aren’t enough hours in the day”

“So much to do, so little time”

“I just don’t have enough time”

And there are many more.  I’m sure a lot of you have used these very same phrases. I know I have.   But the GREAT news is that you can stop using these kinds of phrases because they are just excuses.  

The word “excuse” is a noun meaning “a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense” or as a verb, “release someone (in this case, meaning yourself) from a duty or requirement.  

There is absolutely NO reason to defendfault.  That is what lazy people do.  If you wish to succeed, you act on your fault.  Act so much that you in turn change your fault so there is no longer any existence of a fault.  That’s right, action literally makes your faults disappear. 

What would you do if you had no faults? Impossible? Nah. You just aren’t taking enough action!  In his book, The TenX Rule, Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone) powerfully states, “Any person who uses blame as the reason why something happened or did not happen will not accumulate real success in their life, and only will further his or her status as a slave on planet earth.”

That’s heavy stuff..read that quote a couple times and really let it sink in.  There are two simple choices you have in life: to act or to make an excuse.  They both take the same amount of energy to do.  They both affect your life, family, friends, etc.  They both define your level of success.  They both define you as a person.

So which will you choose?  I hope you will join the movement to be a Young Hustler and get out there and ACT.  Success is waiting for you at the finish line; you get there by taking action that “everybody else” refuses to do, and by putting in more time, more heart, more everything than anyone else, and you have a golden path to the finish line.

Change your mindset and habits now.  Make the conscious decision as Grant Cardone encourages, “to make success your duty, obligation, and responsibility.”  Success is no longer an option, it is now your ethical responsibility. SO GET UP AND ACT, THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR YOU!

You Can Never Read Enough

Posted: February 26, 2014 in Uncategorized
"The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." ~Dr. Seuss

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ~Dr. Seuss

Go, businessman, go.

Posted: February 26, 2014 in Uncategorized

Fear is the product of a person’s mind, completely imaginative. The degree to which a person lets fear control the decisions one makes, determines those who are successful, and those who wait their entire lives for the fear to “go away.” Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway! Action, Action, Action!!

Mike is happy.

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A rapper blog?

A baby con artist blog?

A pool shark blog?


Define: Young Hustler (noun) – a term coined by Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone) and Jarrod Glandt (@JarrodGlandt) of the radio show Young Hustlers, which can be found by subscribing to Grant Cardone on YouTube.  A Young Hustler is a person from the generation known as the Millenials, or Gen Y, who goes to extreme lengths to pursue their goals.  These individuals are willing to do whatever it takes to make something of themselves.

Young Hustlers don’t sit back and wait for opportunity; they go out and create opportunity for themselves by taking action every day.  Despite many stereotypes attributed to this generation (laziness, no communication skills, unambitious, etc.), a Young Hustler goes against opposition and goes against the norm and group think to gain a level of achievement that satisfies.  A level of achievement that satisfies.  You should no there isn’t this kind of level is a Young Hustler’s mindset.   Satisfies equals average. Young Hustlers want more, and when they get it, they go out and want some more.

These individuals defy the stereotypes of their generation and achieve success far greater than any average person ever imagined.  I am a Young Hustler.  I know what I want, and I won’t stop until I have it.  And when I have it, I’ll be looking for more.

Follow my blog to follow my story, and see how possible it is to be a Young Hustler and achieve the unimaginable.


I just got done with an interesting conversation with my professor..He is a lawyer and I went to ask him for some legal advice and we continued conversation from there.  He asked me the usual stuff, what do I want to do after I graduate, what are the plans for the rest of my life, etc.  Nothing too interesting until he asked one question: Do you have a backup plan?

The following is the real play-by-play of my response to his question:

I froze.

I felt a little confused.

Then I started laughing.

I couldn’t help, but laughing.  As he looked at me like I was nuts I decided maybe I should answer his question.

“Hell no!  I’m burning all bridges.  The bar is the ONLY plan for me.”

I guess my answer was not exactly what he was expecting, evident of the confusion still on his face.  He continued to ask, “What about going for your Master’s?”

“And what? Go more into debt than I already am when I know what I’m going to do?”

He froze for a minute.  I waited for his response.  “But if you continue to go to school…”

He continued to get me to consider continuing my education after graduation, and even though he is a lawyer, and a good one, there is no argument to my case:

You can’t hide out in school for all of your life.  1. How much will schooling do if you don’t have the ambition and the courage to go get a job? 2. What can I learn in my classes at the university that I can’t learn from an audio program or somewhere on the internet?  And my last reasoning, which I think is most compelling of all, 3. Given my first and my second point, why rack up all that debt?  Even if you do get a fabulous job after you graduate with your third master’s and a law degree, you will be working the rest of your life to pay off that debt.  It may be just me, but I don’t like the way that sounds at all!

I don’t want to sound completely one-sided.  There is an upside to higher education.  1. You learn who you really are when you get away from high school and mature when you go to college.  2. You learn to be well-rounded; every discipline is interconnected.  Knowing and understanding this helps in problem solving and even creativity.  I think college is necessary for professionals such as doctors, surgeons, psychologists, lawyers, etc., but myself, as a growing entrepreneur, college is not the place for me.  I am ready to get out into the world and do, and learn from people I meet.

One key component: just because I don’t want to continue onto higher education, does not mean I will ever stop learning.  I love to learn and I am constantly reading interesting articles and books.  I watch videos on YouTube that will further my knowledge on many topics that pertain to me and what I want to do.  The key is: Never Stop Learning. When you stop learning, you stop living.

To summarize:

1. Know what you want to do and pursue it like there are no other options for you

2. Do whatever it takes to make it happen

3. College has its benefits, but it also has some pretty heavy cons


Countdown To Success

Posted: February 26, 2014 in Uncategorized
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“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” ~Napoleon Hill

I am a 21 year old female hustler, ready for action.  But what action?

I have many goals in my life, some short-term, some long, some easily attainable, other nearly impossible.

To understand my success story, you must first understand my goals.  Many of these goals will change depending on what is going on in my life.  But I can guarantee that I will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER(!) lessen the attainment of my goals.

I set 10X goals.  What are 10X goals? Self-made man Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone) has written many books vital to success. Because of Grant Cardone’s book, The TenX Rule, I became motivated to do something with my life and set far-reaching goals for myself.  The major principle behind The TenX Rule (you can expect a post reviewing this amazing book shortly!) is to change your mindset and your level of action so that you operate on a 10X level.  A 10X level includes taking 10X the action than you think is necessary to accomplish something and having expectations that are 10X the ones you think you need to complete a task.  Grant Cardone stresses, you will never reach your full potential if you limit your mindset and actions; the greatest you will ever achieve is average.  

I plan to post a separate post outlining all my current goals, but this blog is about one goal in particular.  This is where the countdown begins. Where the high expectations begin.  Where the massive amount of action in pursuit of my goal begins:

1,825 days, 11 hours, 1 minute, 59 seconds

This is my countdown for achieving my ultimate goal: I own and operate a profitable drinking establishment with my dad before I turn 26 years old. 

This is it.  This is where all of my energy will be poured into over the next 4-5 years.  I will pay off my college debt before starting my own business and have capital saved up to reinvest in myself and my dad to make this business a reality.  I have been dreaming about this for a long time now and I am finally ready to hustle nonstop until this dream comes true.

“Impossible,” “Too high of expectations,” you say? I refuse to hear, see, or deal with any negativity.  Do not tell me that my goals are out of reach, instead of acknowledging this comment, I plan to show you that the only limits one has are those that one places on oneself. It may not be easy, but I don’t see the value of living for anything that is easy to accomplish.  Follow my blog, and in the next 4-5 years, come to my bar and have a drink on me! I’m guaranteeing this right now: I will personally invite anyone who follows my blog for a drink on me at my bar the day it opens.